Cornish Funfairs

Everything you never needed to know about showmen and equipment that travel or travelled in the Duchy of Cornwall.

This site is a resource for people interested in the various firms, people, machines and fairgrounds that operate (or have operated) in the Duchy of Cornwall

Historic Showmen
Over the years there have been many families and company's that used to operate in the Duchy of Cornwall and yet are no more. This section details those operations.
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Current Operations
Profiles of showmen and companies that still operate in the Duchy
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This section is a simple blog of things that I may have noticed, often linking to articles on facebook and other SM platforms.
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The author of this site is a Trustee of the Fairground Heritage Trust, Treasurer of the Fairground Association of Great Britain and a contributor to The World's Fair and other titles. Lot's of info coming here.
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