Terms & Conditions


Information on this website is provided by the Owner in good faith. No representations are made that the information is accurate, complete or fair and it should therefore not be relied on as such.

The Owner has not verified all of the information, which may not be complete, accurate or appropriate for your purposes. Any opinions and estimates expressed reflect the judgement of the Owner at this date and are subject to change without notice.

Linked Websites

The Owner has no control over the contents of any websites linked to/from cornish-funfairs.org.uk. No responsibility or liability for any such linked websites or their contents in any way shall be accepted by the Owner.

The Owner makes no warranties whatsoever, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for the purpose of goods and/or services offered on linked websites. Any warranties of goods and/or services offered on linked websites are the responsibility of the websites providing those goods and/or services.

The Internet

The Internet contains materials which you access at your own risk.

The Owner has no control over any material on the Internet except that specified on the Owner website (https://cornish-funfairs.org.uk/).

The Owner does not operate, control or endorse any information, materials, products or services on the Internet in any way, including linked websites. Except for information, products and services offered by the Owner on the Owner’s website (https://cornish-funfairs.org.uk/) all other information, products and services are offered by third parties that are not associated with the Owner and over which the Owner has no control.

The Owner shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever or howsoever arising from the content, goods or services contained on linked websites or from the use of the Internet generally.


The Owner acknowledges all trademarks or registered trademarks, where used on this site, as the property of their respective owners.


Persons accessing this website are not authorised to modify, adapt, delete or replace any information, data, artwork, graphic or text whatsoever on or accessible from this website or to link or to append to this website, or the data contained on it, any material or data.